Together, we make make a difference.

Together, we make make a difference.

Beddie is extremely proud to be partnered with i=Change.

We invite you, our amazing customers to help us give back, allowing you to choose one of our three incredible charity partners, then we will donate $1 on your behalf.

A core ethos of Beddie is paying it forward, always putting a hand out to help, and understanding the need to empower people with kindness. It's a very simple thing to do, and an easy way to help humanity move forward with purpose and integrity. Nothing in the world feels better than giving, caring and being kind.

Ways we can together accelerate our sustainability are by giving to these charities with every single sale. You choose between:



Seabin Foundation - Clean the Seas and Harbours

Over 160 million tons of plastic is produced each year to create single-use disposable items and packaging.

With no established system to close the loop, this has led to over 70 years of accumulation of plastics in landfill (40%) and the environment (32%), with only 10% being recycled.

Plastics end up in waterways and oceans, breaking down into ever smaller pieces called micro-plastics, well known for entering the food chain through the water, air and food that we consume.

Seabin Smart Tech, similar to a rubbish bin X pool skimmer, removes floating plastics as small as 2mm, filtering 600,000L of water per day from oil and surface pollutants.


UN Women - End Violence against Women

In the highlands of PNG, up to 93% women experience violence regularly - even on a daily basis. Sexual harassment is also extremely common in markets, where women's ability to do business is crucial for the strength of their communities. When women are safe from violence, entire communities and economies flourish.

UN Women is working to meet the needs of women, train male community leaders to understand and communicate that violence against women is a crime, and provide skills training so women can earn an income and support their families.


Plan Australia - Keep Girls in School

Millions of girls miss up to 20% of the school year, or drop out completely because of social taboos and a lack of access to affordable menstrual hygiene management.

This increases their likelihood of early pregnancy and child marriage, has huge consequences on their education and the rest of their lives.

Plan trains school representatives and community health clubs to debunk myths and taboos around menstruation, engaging girls and boys in the process, and teaching the skills necessary to make their own reusable sanitary pads.


How it works.

1. Shop as Normal.

Make any purchase with us at

 2. Checkout.

 Proceed to checkout as you normally would.

 3. Choose and Donate.

Choose one of our three amazing charity partners, we then donate $1 on your behalf. 

Thankyou for helping to make a difference!